The Case for Healthcare M&A: Auctus Healthcare & Life Sciences Leader discusses Industry Trends in Expert Roundtable Video

The Case for Healthcare M&A: Auctus Healthcare & Life Sciences Leader discusses Industry Trends in Expert Roundtable Video

In 2021, investors recognized the underlying strength of the Healthcare Industry, and indeed identified new opportunities illuminated by the pandemic. Looking ahead, five healthcare-focused financial services and M&A experts sat down for a virtual roundtable hosted by private deal network Axial for discussion around the state of healthcare M&A in 2022.

Our own Healthcare & Life Sciences Managing Director John Duguid shared insights with other experts — all recently named to Axial’s 2021 list of Top 50 Lower Middle Market Healthcare M&A Advisors — who addressed trends that will shape the future and how to most effectively run business.

The full Virtual Roundtable video can be viewed on Axial (link below). Here is a preview of the Virtual Roundtable with some highlights from Mr. Duguid’s discussion.



The Case for Healthcare M&A in 2022 [Virtual Roundtable]

Axial | Kristina Mayne|  January 13, 2022

Earlier this week, we sat down with 5 healthcare-focused Axial members (all recently named to Axial’s 2021 Healthcare Top 50 list) to discuss the state of healthcare M&A in 2022. While the discussion inevitably made its way to covid’s continued impact on the broader healthcare industry, there was a noticeable and welcomed shift in tone and general sentiment towards the virus. The days of speculating how the industry would survive the pandemic are well in the rearview mirror. Now, healthcare practitioners, their advisors, and capital partners are fully focused on the future and how to most effectively run a business in today’s new reality. Topics of conversation spanned balancing labor challenges with the vaccine mandate, to normalizing the covid-induced “bump” in activity to arrive at fair valuations.

Thank you to the following members who participated in the discussion:

Neil Johnson, Managing Partner, Lawrence Evans & Co., LLC   |   Samantha Lincoln, Managing Director, Paragon Ventures  |  Andre Ulloa, Partner, M&A Healthcare Advisors  |   John Duguid, Managing Director, Auctus Capital Partners  |. Terry Wang, Principal, Regal Healthcare Capital Partners



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